“The effectiveness of HydroFLOW® S38 system that was installed in the test is undeniable” says customer at Electronics Factory
The A to Z of water treatment with HydroFLOW®. From homes to hospitals. Here we highlight how HydroFLOW® is used to protect the Humidifier.
At Cords Electronics, France, the use of electric components require a constant air quality. The air Humidifier is used to maintain the stable rate of humidity.
Due to the principle of Operation of the Humidifier used at this manufacturing site, limescale formed on the heating elements (as seen here).

Limescale build-up on humidifier without HydroFLOW®
Limescale formed on the heat exchangers and in the hoses. Additional scale formed around the resistance heaters. Limescale formed in collection bags of the humidifier.
The maintenance management company responsible for the Humidifier gave this testimonial following installation of HydroFLOW® S38.
“The test period has given us the ability to perform two checks that were used to validate the results…”
The customer testimonial continues
“…The effectiveness of HydroFLOW® S38 system that was installed in the test is undeniable.”
About the hoses
“…The hoses are clean, the collecting bags easily cleanable.”
Savings with the HydroFLOW® S38.
“We save maintenance time and thus also maintenance cost, we do not envision the use of acid, our client is completely satisfied and will invest in this technology.”
You may ask “Where would I see these?”
Low pressure steam generators in their many forms can be found in commercial kitchen, supermarkets, manufacturing, agriculture and in the leisure industry to name a few.
Protecting these appliances from limescale build-up and removing existing limescale can reduce maintenance and replacement costs and improve their efficiency.
The HydroFLOW® S38 fits around pipes of up to 38mm. Suitable for all types of pipe material. Works independent of flow rate.
The HydroFLOW® S38 is designed to offer a chemical-free alternative in addressing the effects of new and existing hard limescale encrustation.
Thank you Hydroflow France