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Hotel chooses non-chemical water treatment for customer comfort


When life goes back to normal and we can all go on holiday again.

You will not be taking photos like these. This is taken of a HydroFLOW® installed in plant room of your holiday hotel plant or pump room.

In a hotel setting, HydroFLOW® is installed to “treat” limescale and biofouling problems that can cause operation problems, even breakdown. Hot showers. Swimming Pools. Things we take for granted when holidaying abroad.

Hotel staff work tirelessly to ensure our holiday is the best experience for us. Hydropath Technology representatives coordinate with hotel facility managers. Finding the ideal HydroFLOW®  is simple enough. Easy to retro-fit for the hotel buildings and swimming pools.

Following successful installation and recommendation in the Barcelo Hotel, 15 HydroFLOW® commercial units have been installed on a new luxury hotel Raco d’Arta Hotel in June.

15 HydroFLOW® has been utilised for the Hotel Swimming Pools, Spas, Restaurants,  Laundry and Hot and Cold Water Systems. Reducing Scaling and Bio-fouling Issues.

HydroFLOW® electronic water conditioners offer a chemical-free approach to treating both existing and new limescale. In heating and cooling systems. They can help address biofouling and reduce wasted water in both cooling towers and swimming pools. They are an alternative to water softeners. The benefits of no ongoing replenishment costs and the treated water remaining potable.

Hotel operation leads to a wide array of water treatment challenges, from keeping bathroom fittings free of unsightly limescale deposits to maintaining the efficiency of hot water and cooling systems, to keeping swimming pool water clear and pleasant to use.

HydroFLOW® protects against limescale by transmitting its unique cluster-forming signal through the system in order to protect shower, taps and fittings (making them easier to clean) as well as boilers, heat exchangers and cooling towers. HydroFLOW® uses non-chemical flocculation to help filters work more effectively, improving water quality and reducing water wasted in backwash and blowdown.

Hydropath Reps are professional and honest. Hydropath have been in the water treatment business for nearly 30 years. We offer a free site visit and survey to find the correct solution for you.

hydropath Marine FWG90 bed care home uses HydroFLOW® for limescale problems

Real-time connectivity

Take complete control over your HydroFLOW® ecosystem.