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From Aquaculture to Agriculture with HydroFLOW®

The A to Z of water treatment with HydroFLOW®. From Aquaculture to Agriculture. Today we showcase how HydroFLOW® was used by a US apple packing company to achieve their goals.  To reduce chlorine and chemical usage. And reduce bacteria, bio and funghi problems.

“The results of this study have demonstrated the dramatic benefit of Hydropath’s eco-friendly technology for enhancing the ability of sanitizers to control bacteria and fungi in apple flume water systems reducing the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC)”

HYDROPATH’s range of HydroFLOW® units are designed to treat bio fouling, to improve filtration via non-chemical flocculation process, and to protect against limescale and many other types of scaling.

Contact us to see learn how HYDROPATH TECHNOLOGY products will enhance your system efficiency and reduce chemical usage and maintenance issues.


limescale issues solved with hydroflowCar Wash in Palm Desert utlilises HydroFLOW® to enhance the operation of their newly installed reclaim-water system