The HydroFLOW I Range, originally designed to combat limescale and

Hydropath Technology wins Innovation award
biofouling and to enhance filtration in industrial environments wins the award for innovation in waste water and sewage treatment.
The HydroFLOW I Range has proven itself to be extremely effective at combating struvite scale in the waste water environment. Offering simple installation and extremely low running costs the ability of the HydroFLOW I Range to combat struvite could mean an end to plant system shut downs for descaling.
In parallel to combating struvite, a notable reduction in polymer can be achieved through the patented technology embedded in I Range units. Several facilities in the USA and the UK have seen reductions of up to 25% in polymer usage on dewatering equipment such as belt presses and centrifuges.
The Water Environment Federation (WEF) is a not-for-profit technical and educational organization of 34,000 members and 75 affiliated Member Associations representing water quality organisations around the world. WEF took in to consideration field data from several USA waste water facilities when making their decision.
Dr. Samuel Jeyanayagam, PhD, PE, WEF Fellow/CH2M HILL, Inc. has also provided third party verification after running trials at the Robert W. Hite Treatment Facility, Denver, Colorado.